The Airbnb's HERE on the FARM

Monday, January 30, 2012

Cable Internet

Today is the first day I am actually using the cable internet, funny how one forgets how fast it is until it is back. It is even faster than the internet at the shop. Two pictures taken of Ebby this morning downloaded in just a few seconds, when we were using the cell service it would take so long sometimes I would forget I was trying to download pictures.
Ebby came running up for the walk this morning looking like a walrus.

She was so excited about what she had in her mouth there was no getting her to stand still for a picture. Finally Diane picked her up but even then she was wiggling so much she dropped one of her special treats (old hotdogs Diane gave her to share with Heidi)

Ylse was let out early this morning and given a bale of hay and a scoop of grain. She still looks like she is dropping weight. The vet was called to arrange an appointment to have her teeth looked at and floated if needed. Dr. Pallen is coming on Thursday afternoon to do this, as long as she is coming we will have new coggins drawn on Jenis, Ylse, Ribbon, Evan, Valiant, and Indy.
Braelyn arrived while I was getting a bucket of water for Ylse. Steven was called to see if he would pick up some Strategy for her on his way in to Hanna City. He actually delivered the bag and gave her a scoop before heading over to Zimmermans for work. She dived right in meaning she still has a good appetite.
Phil came just a bit ago to pick up Braelyn and I'm heading outside in the sunshine. It is warm outside!

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