The Airbnb's HERE on the FARM

Saturday, January 28, 2012


The workers started showing up at 7:00am, they quickly realized one pallet of 80 pound bags of concrete was not going to be near enough and sent Mark into town to buy 2 more loads as full as Lowes could fill a 3/4 ton truck. All together they went through over 10,000 pounds of concrete. The three grandkids spent the day with me while Dave, Stef, Phil, Anna, Ben, Taunya, Rhoda and Sarah worked on the house. They came in muddy and frozen. Emily and her brother Matthew arrived early and went riding with Karin before the scheduled Horsemeister practice. Steven had Karin put the 2 boys out in the arena early so they could get some of their pent up energy out having fun. Karin took the video camera out when she did this and got about 5 minutes of play.

The Horsemeister riders: Karin, Rhoda, Steven, Rebekah, Emily & Anni showed up a little early went over how the practice was to go and then out to face the cold. They had a good practice even though they had to ride in a snow filled arena. They are practicing 2 different routines, one for the afternoon breed and sport demo and one for the evening Horsecapades. We were very pleased with how the boys acted. They are young Friesian stallions in an arena filled with very attractive mares and Steven was easily able to keep them focused on the job in hand.
Mom had them all over for lunch once the Friesians were put away, then they saddled up other horses for an afternoon ride. Karin, Rebekah, Anni, Emily and Matthew rode the horses all the way over to Ruth's house and back put the horses away and went hot tubbing at the Sauders. Around 1:30 the house workers stopped for lunch, Anna picked up pizza which was scarfed down, then they headed back out. Mom came over to help watch the babies while the vegetables and chicken for dinner were chopped. She was good enough to try to help clean up some of the ever present mud that got dragged in each time someone entered the apartment.
By 4:30pm the house workers ran out of concrete and headed in for dinner. The house workers ate, then headed for home, the horse riders showed up 5 minutes after the house workers left and they also enjoyed dinner each before heading to their prospective houses. We are tired but think the kids must be exhausted, Ah youth!

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