The Airbnb's HERE on the FARM

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Veterans Day

This morning before our walk I was able to get all the nursing mares, foals, and Raven grained. Steven Marchal was already at the barn looking for that calico cat that had an appointed for spaying and shots today. Of course the cat cannot be found. On our first farm loop we saw a white tailed buck in the field. Heidi saw it and took off running. We watched for quite a while and surprisingly Heidi was actually gaining on the poor thing. Once the buck crossed into the bean field and was quite a distance off Heidi gave up and came back. The second farm loop, Steven was lunging Lily. It is time for Lily to start getting in shape.
Yesterday was Veterans Day, a lot of kids here at Bridlewood had the day off, the Lake kids still had school but were in the Veterans day parade.
This got me thinking of our Veterans but I didn't want to write about it yesterday, I needed a day to cool off without writing something too radical. Still, how dare our president apologize for America. Every time our soldiers have gone off to a foreign country to fight, it is never for America to expand her boarders it is to defend that country from some awful problem, the only land we ask for is to bury our dead those who have sacrificed for other lands. We have sent our American soldiers all over the world defending foreign countries from invasion or evil dictators. Our American soldiers have DIED defending these countries and our president thinks we should APOLOGIZE? My first thought yesterday was how can I write about this, I may get flagged by the government as a radical and this made me even madder that I would think like this. We live in AMERICA! We have the right to FREE SPEECH. There is no way I should ever begin to think I will get penalized by writing against our government and I have never ever worried about it before the Obama Administration. So if I suddenly disappear, all you readers know it would be because I have spoken out against the president. Still we are to pray for our leaders and I am praying for president Obama. I know that God allowed him to be president, I just hope it is not to usher in the last days, there are so many that still need to hear about Jesus and his sacrifice. I love America and would NEVER bad mouth my country but I am so afraid the America I knew and loved is dying.
Enough of the political and back to everyday life.
I'm blessed to be watching Addyson while my 5 girls (3 daughter-in-laws and 2 daughters) are walking to Avantis for lunch. Addyson has just woken up and is playing on my lap. She now has her first tooth. AT least her mom tells me she has one, she doesn't want to show me yet. She is so smart!

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