The Airbnb's HERE on the FARM

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Email from Erin

Hi Judy-
I hope all is well with you and your family. I sent these pictures to you to maybe help people be more a ware of what is happing to horses. I have heard of people just letting their horses go, and now I have seen it first hand. We found her Monday morning about a mile down our road. Our neighbor came down to get me and my mom, we were able to halter her up and walk her down to our house. By chance I had the vet comming to due some floating on the other horses. She looked at her and said she has a long road a head of her but she will be fine. She is about 12 years old and about 17 hands, she is huge. I just thought I would share this story of our new resident and get the word out that people are just letting go of their horses. She was loved at one time, I just want horse owners to ask for help if they need anything. Then there wouldn't be such heart ache. Take care and bless you and those around you.
Below are the pictures of the horse. PLEASE don't TURN YOUR HORSE LOOSE. If you cannot take care of your horse, LET someone know. We understand the economy we understand the hay shortage but if help could have come sooner this mare would not be facing a TERRIBLE winter. Even with Erin's help, to go into the winter in this condition may be a death sentence for this mare. This is not just happening 'somewhere else' Erin lives in ILLINOIS up by Rockford.
THANK you ERIN for caring. I saw the pictures and read your email and started to weep.

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