The Airbnb's HERE on the FARM

Friday, November 13, 2009

Potluck Friday the 13th!

Today is our turn for potluck and it is also Friday the 13th. Should I be worried? Will the food turn out good enough to eat? Usually, without bragging, I'm a pretty good cook but one time for potluck I had the meal prepared, the meat was perfect, then one of the guests showed up 45 minutes late and by the time we sat down to eat our prime rib was overcooked. I'm not serving prime rib tonight and hopefully no one will be late so perhaps it will turn out fine. I am having 13 people at my table as one of our guests had to cancel. Good thing we are NOT superstitious! Although I did just about hit a deer on the way to the farm this morning. I saw something in the corner of my eye and slowed down or I would have hit it for sure. It came running out of the woods and right in front of my car, even slowing down I had to slam on my brakes. I missed it by inches, not feet!
I'm having 2 meats tonight. One is only because I'm hosting a dress-up dinner for the younger girl cousins, ages 19 down to 14 on Sunday and I want to try a recipe to see if it is good AND elegant. I want to make Sunday's dinner very special. We will use our good china with the place settings set for a full dinner with many courses and serve sparkling grape juice out of our goblets.
I need to get busy cleaning the house. That is the only problem with having company (which I LOVE to do). I really don't like to work inside the house. I like the outside work, but as I'm serving in the formal dining room, I need to have the house presentable and ready for company.
As I was up early this morning I got the water tank filled and the foals grained and looked for ANOTHER missing halter but no luck. Only one foal now has a halter on and that is Royal and he no longer needs a halter, he is coming right up. I now have 4 halters somewhere in that small paddock and can't find ANY of them. I was 15 minutes early getting to the farm this morning and it was good not to have to run to each paddock but leisurely walk carrying their grain. Everyone was checked and all is well there.

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