The Airbnb's HERE on the FARM

Wednesday, March 13, 2024

Lily's Colt

 Just Ruth, Diane and I walked, Joan was in Chicago. Diane was with mom until noon then Ruth took over. I went straight to the barn to get that ready for company, putting down the chairs and cleaning the bathrooms. Back at the house the laundry was started. While waiting for the machines Lily and her colt were let out to graze. The colt was funny today. He tasted the grass and found it good. He reared up on his mama's face. I wasn't fast enough to get that on the camera but got the tail end. 

While out there I took a few more pictures for the website.

He really is cute he started zooming up to the gate then back to him mom.
At noon the people coming to see the barn arrived and were given the full tour. They also wanted to see both of Diane's airbnbs and the foaling apartment thinking they may need all 3 plus the new barn. It is a BIG family. I think this family is even bigger than the Meister family. This evening Mark and I left a little early for church and arrived early. Caleb Plattner had the message. Click HERE to watch that. After church we joined the big group at Culvers. Both Mark and I chose a salad tonight. We may be getting tired of fish. It was another warm beautiful day but rain is supposed to move in by midnight. The colt is now old enough to be left out. Their paddock has a shelter so hopefully Lily will use it if it gets colder. 

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