The Airbnb's HERE on the FARM

Monday, February 19, 2024

Shopping Day

Ruth, Joan and I walked, Ruth left after one round so I gave Joan a ride back to her house on the golf cart. We met Spark and Mark. Spark was burning some boxes from the supplies for their new bathroom.

Right after the walk I left for Casey's gas station to order 10 dozen raspberry flips for Sunday morning. From there I was going to head to Sam's club when I realized I had forgotten the church key so drove home instead, picked that up and then headed to Sam's. There I was able to purchase 12 pounds of green bananas, the ranch dip, 12 pounds of carrots, 6 bags of chips, 3 containers of mixed nuts, 12 pounds of cuties, and 9 big English cucumbers. That was for church, the 2 rotisserie chickens were picked up one for Karin and one for Joan. The next stop was Schnucks where 5 dozen fried glazed croissants were ordered, then to GFS to pick up 4 half gallons of bread and butter pickles, then to church to drop off everything for Sunday. The carrots, cuties, cucumbers and dip were put in the fridge, the other stuff left on the counter. From there I drove to Costco to order 15 trays of their meat and cheese sandwiches and finally by noon I was on my way home. I'm sure  not used to spending all morning shopping. The next job was to call Brakers to order the chocolate chip extra chewy cookies and the frosted sugar cookies. Shopping is exhausting! All of the grandchildren were here except Iris and Zeke. They were having a ball playing in the gym. The older girls came first to take the golf cart. They got the old fast one. The boys soon came for the new golf cart which is much slower. We really need new batteries for that. 

Below is a short video of some of the fun.
This evening Phil and Anna picked me up and we drove to Illini Bluffs to watch Braelyn play volley ball. We got there in time to watch some of the warm up.
I was surprised to see when they announced the starting line-up for Farmington Braelyn's name was called first.
She started all 3 games and played the entire time for each game. She actually made the first 5 points of the first game as she was the server and served 5 aces in a row. Below are a few clips of the games. The last game went into over time.
Phil needed to leave to get Kensley to her basketball practice and pick up Taegan for her volleyball games later this evening. He dropped me off at our house where Mark had the fish in the oven and the water almost ready to boil for the asparagus. I left at 7:20 pm to pick up Kensley from her practice.
Kensley is the point guard. 
Her practice went late and we left for home at 7:48 pm the exact time Phil and Anna left Illini Bluffs after Taegan's games were finished. They beat us home by seconds. Joan borrowed the truck tonight to pick up a washer and dryer in Hanna City. Today was a beautiful and productive day. 

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