The Airbnb's HERE on the FARM

Sunday, February 18, 2024

Melting Snow

 It was really icy getting out to the car this morning to go to church. We took my car as Mark's was covered in snow and ice. Kathy and Randy brought Nancy and she was thrilled to go to Sunday School. She fits right in and mentally is exactly the right age for this class. 

Today the lesson was on King Joash and Joan used a bulletin board border to make gold crowns for each student. Nancy was excited to show us at lunch.
Tim Roecker had the morning message to hear that click HERE. Mike Kaisner had the afternoon service click HERE to watch that. I needed to take the towels home as we are serving lunch next week. We were pleasantly that it the temperature had warmed up into the 40s when we walked out of church. After getting home and changing Mark helped move a bale in for Lea and Thalia. Lea is getting braver with the tractor. She was watching Mark bring the bale.
She ran behind Thalia but didn't run out of the paddock this time.
As soon as Mark dropped the bale and moved the tractor out of the way they both went to the bale and took a big bite.
I took the golf cart up to the barn as Mark was putting the tractor away and couldn't believe the snow melting from the barn.
It almost sounded like it was raining.
Tonight was an easy meal and the food was taken over to the barn to prepare. We had a smaller group for supper. All of the ladies took Stephanie out to celebrate her birthday so just the men and grandkids came for dinner. After dinner came the fun. Carli brought Quinten, Rebekah arrived with her 4 and Tyler and Sam arrived with Lucy. Rebekah watched Lucy so Sam could play volley ball tonight.

 Addyson, Braelyn and Taegan got to plan volley ball with the adults.  The younger kids had so much fun in the gym. They played in the bouncy house, played dodge ball then went upstairs and made up a brand new game.
River and Eden came down to play in the bouncy house.
Once the volley ball games were finished the adults started leaving. Rebekah and Brian took Nancy home to Morton. Nolan and his 3 girls stayed until Sarah gave the ok that he could come home. You see after taking Stephanie out to eat they all went to Sarah's house for dessert.
The girls didn't mind staying late. They played with Karin's beautiful throw for a long time.
Thankful for another wonderful Sunday. 


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