The Airbnb's HERE on the FARM

Sunday, February 21, 2021

Too Busy for Pictures

Mark went to bed so early last night that he got up at 3:30 am. He got the wood burner going and that woke up Iris. She decided it must be time to wake up and stayed up at that point. I went back to bed and slept for a couple hours. Morning came WAY to soon. Iris was given a bowl of cereal around 5:30 am then at 8:00 I made sausage, scrambled eggs and toast and she ate again. She came with me over to mom's and went downstairs to get a toy while mom's hair was brushed. She was excited to go to church with us until walked in. She got scared and wanted to go home but instead we went to the baby room, played with a toy then made our way into the sanctuary and all was well. She was VERY good in church, not even once did a peep come out of her mouth. She loved the singing. After church the kids all went to Phil and Anna's house to build snow forts. They came here at 4:30 for dinner then went sledding down the dam hill. They came in exhausted and chilly and all enjoyed hot chocolate. No pictures today, just too busy. Rachel shared something pretty funny: She writes:  So glad we built this warm house for the cats. 

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