The Airbnb's HERE on the FARM

Saturday, February 20, 2021

The Big Escape

 For the first time in 2 weeks it was WARM when we awoke. Well not exactly warm but almost 20 degrees AND it warmed up to 32 degrees with sunshine. We saw Isaiah leave so were pretty sure he was here working horses with Karin.  Mark and I spent some time in the field measuring the field to figure out where the new barn will go and what trees will need to come down. Joan borrowed the truck and 2 horse trailer to drive down to Lincoln, IL to pick up a bedroom set and when she got back Howard our neighbor down Glasford Rd followed her in to tell her 4 of our horses walked over to his place and they were put in stalls until we could get there. We didn't even know they had gotten out and had to find out exactly where. Oksana had knocked a board down. It wasn't really her fault, I knew the board was loose just didn't get it fixed in time.  They must have been out for a while but we were so busy on the other part of the farm we didn't hear or see them.  We drove over to Joan's to help unload the furniture then she came with me to pick up the horses while Mark put a couple new boards up to make sure that didn't happen again. Since I just had the 2 horse and all 4 of these horses are fat we could only take two at a time.  Our neighbor Roslyn posted this picture on Facebook with the caption: Had some visitors today

Shame on them for leaving, thankfully they did not hang out on the road. Ripper, the gray, Mika, the chestnut, Oksana, the black and Irish, the black and white enjoyed their freedom at least for a while. Rhoda and Lee dropped off Iris. We are keeping her overnight and she will get to go to church with us in the morning. This is our first time keeping her and we are having fun. Below she is playing with the humidifier.

The humidifier is fascinating for all of the grandchildren. We had stir fry for supper and I was surprised at how well she at the vegetables and chicken.  After supper we played with the uno cards and blocks. She had fun putting them in the bag then dumping the bag out.

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