The Airbnb's HERE on the FARM

Sunday, May 17, 2020

Tori Has a BOY

Her water broke around 1:38 am but the pounding rain disguised the sound enough that I didn't catch she was actually having the foal. By the time I got out of bed, dressed found the headlamp and got to the barn the colt was born and Tori was standing over him cleaning him up. I snapped a picture then helped with drying him off.
 He has thick rubbery foal slippers.
 He started struggling to stand pretty quickly but each time down he went. At 2:22 am he was up and walking around looking for the milk bar.
 While he was learning to use those long legs the stall was cleaned up and Tori given new hay and water. He is close to nursing in the picture below but did not latch on.

Tori's udder was given a good cleaning with warm water then colostrum rubbed all over the teats. When I left the barn he was rooting in the right place but I never saw him latch on. By the time I got back to the house and checked the monitor he was laying down so I'm not sure if he latched on or not but morning will come soon enough and if he hasn't nursed it will be obvious. He is a strong colt with a good sucking reflex so all should be well. 
EDIT:  At 6:00 am I noticed he was up but not as strong as he should be. I went out to the barn, he nursed well but has a rattle in his lungs. By the time he was done nursing he was panting which isn't a good sign. He nursed at 6:14 am for a minute then at 6:44 for a couple of minutes then laid down. At 7:30 am I went out and helped him up so he did not expend the energy needed to stand. He nursed very well for a couple minutes really sucking it in but the rattle is very obvious and by the time he was done pretty much gasping for air. This colt is not a premie only 8 days early. I've sent a message to our vet to see if he can come. 

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