The Airbnb's HERE on the FARM

Tuesday, April 9, 2019

Renewal Time

Mom tried something different this morning on our walk. She came out with her two trekking sticks.
Those worked so well we had a tough time keeping up with her. She was trekking right along much quicker than before as she wasn't needing to pull us along. She was able to come volunteer at the Berean office after the walk. If you would like to read about our morning there click HERE. We had many hands to help this morning as our snowbirds came back.  I needed to leave that office after lunch as my driving license expires on the 14th and this year it was required for me to take the written test. The DMV in Peoria is always a mad house with long waits and funny looking people all crowded together.  After waiting over an hour and a half I was able to sit at the computer to take the test only to find out that this test is SO easy pretty much anyone could pass. I missed one question and will get my new license in a couple weeks. Poor Spark was gone so much in March that he had accidentally let his license expire so mom had to drive him to Canton this afternoon to renew his. Pretty bad when your 87 year old mother has to drive her 67 year old son in to the drivers licence facility. Hind sight I SHOULD have gone to Canton. Even with the extra half hour drive I would have been home much sooner. There was no wait in Canton but there would not have been the entertainment of people watching. Some of them really needed to have a picture taken as without proof no one would believe how strange they looked but there was no way to take a picture discreetly. Instead I just watched and marveled.
Once home the mares were teased. Oksana is still in and covered by Evan.  Lola is just coming in but would not yet stand for the stallion. I'll need to wait a couple days on her. Tomorrow Indy will be teased. Galena is now out.  Karin had Livy and Emma out on the trails today with the Walkers.
 Emma led the entire way on the 'death trails' on Missy and did very well. Livy rode Cookie while Karin rode Sally. 
 Bunni and Ripper were left behind at the cabin and both were up at the fence calling for their missing buddies.
On the way back to the house I had to stop to take a couple pictures of our daffodils which are brightening the yard with their gorgeous bright yellow color.
We are always glad to see them come back each year.
Emma and Livy wanted to see the foals and as they are wearing their horsemeister shirts of course the camera was taken back out to the field. 
 This filly is so friendly. She loves kids. She had to jump through the mud though to get into the field so her beautiful white stockings are muddy.
 She was ready to run and play when the girls were taking Galena back to the paddock.
 Lola's filly was calling for her and waiting at the gate.
Tomorrow the weather is going to change so they will be back in the stalls or in the indoor arena. If you would like to see the rest of the pictures of the girls playing with the filly click HERE
Some VERY nice updates came in today. The first was from Elizabeth who owns Zalena's 2018 colt. She wrote, I will try to get you some better pictures tomorrow. This was taken last night. We love Immanuel (that is what they named him).
The next two pictures are from Tyanne, the lady that owns TWO Raven offspring, both are out of the same Saddlebred mare named Lolita. She wrote. Thought you would be interested in hearing that they are both aimed at the dressage ring. They are Training/First Level now. They are lots of fun to train since they have such a strong desire to please. Below is Moose born in 2010.
His full sister Mouse born in 2011 is pictured below at her first show. She was a doll, just Training 1 and 2 but a great first show.
We love love love hearing updates especially updates with pictures and hearing how well the horses are doing and how much they are loved is icing on the cake.  A big thank you to Elizabeth and Tyanne.

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