The Airbnb's HERE on the FARM

Wednesday, April 10, 2019


Mom came out of her house this morning for our walk with the news that Kari and Brett had their baby boy. At 2:34 am on April 10th, 2019 Theo David was born. He was 7 lb 4 and 1/2 oz and is 20 inches long.

He is Spark and Rhonda's 18th grandchild.
After the walk the apartment was cleaned and made ready for the guest coming in this weekend. I didn't quite finish before needing to leave to meet Kensley's bus. Kensley was taken out to help me at the barn. She was given the hose to hold while I went to turn on the hot water and ended up soaking Lola's filly's back by accident.
The filly didn't make too much of a fuss and came right back to Kensley once the hose was put down. This is a very special filly, why she was playing with Kensley and even let Kensley 'dress' her with the saddle pad.

 Check out Kensley's reaction. This filly could have taken off at any time but she stood there glad for the attention. 
Galena's filly on the other hand did not like the saddle pad.
 She galloped around until it fell off then came galloping right back to us.

If you would like to see the rest of the pictures of Kensley and the fillies click HERE. After Anna picked up Kensley the apartment was finished. On the way back to the house I had to snap a picture of Giselle and Ivan. The weather had turned bad with 35 mile and hour winds and spitting rain. They were snug in their shelter.
This evening Diane drove mom and I to church. Mark still isn't feeling well. On the way mom was telling us that Bethany would be going to the hospital tonight around 8:00 pm as they believe she is ready to start labor. On the way home from church Joan called to report Bethany IS in labor dilated to a 4 and having steady contractions. If Bethany can have this daughter by midnight mom will have 2 great grandchildren born on the same day! 

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