The Airbnb's HERE on the FARM

Sunday, April 14, 2019

Out of the Woods?

I'm exhausted, more than exhausted, so tired I didn't feel well caring for the horses this morning.  At 3:30 am the colt was check on the monitor and he was standing. He was able to get up by himself.We were in the middle of a snow storm, with the snow coming down so thick and so fast everything was being covered.  Lola and Galena along with their fillies were brought into the indoor arena for the day.  Rosaleigh was standing in the shelter in her paddock and when I checked her udder it was very swollen. She has no waxing but there was no way I wanted to take a chance of her delivering in this storm so she was stalled. Back at the house Mark agreed to take care of the colt while I went to church so at 7:30 am Mark was shown how to get the colt standing and nursing and was told to do this at 9:30. I picked up mom at 9:15 am and were driving in almost white out conditions. Rachel took the picture below and posted it as I was driving.
Mom announced that Beth Meister called to report that JR and Sherrie had their baby, a girl they named Sydney. Hopefully they will post pictures soon. This was mom's 3rd great grandchild born in 4 days!  
The monitor was checked at 9:30 and the colt was standing so I thought Mark had gone up to do it but he sent a text that he saw on the monitor the the colt was able to stand on his own so didn't have to do it then.  Marie, the owner of Lola's filly Daria sent a text that today is her birthday and she would like to bring her husband out to meet Daria.  She was told where the foals were and she sent back a text that she helped the colt up while she was here so Mark didn't have to do it then.  Karin sent a text that she was coming in and would take care of the colt so Mark only helped him up twice the entire day.
I didn't feel well in church, probably the last 3 nights of very little sleep so Ruth drove me home and I went straight to bed. At 4:30 Mark picked up fried chicken for everyone that wanted to meet at mom's for dinner. We had a nice evening.  Before coming to the house after dinner the stalls were cleaned, water buckets filled, hay brought in for tonight and tomorrow morning.  The colt was standing when I arrived and pooping. He has now expelled all of the meconium. We are thrilled his intestines are now working.  I think we are out of the woods.  I'm heading to bed and plan on sleeping well.

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