The Airbnb's HERE on the FARM

Monday, April 15, 2019

Notre Dame Burns

We got the news today that Notre Came cathedral was burning and were shocked. This is just unbelievable to hear.  Construction of this church began in 1163 during the reign of King Louis VII and was completed in 1345. Such a treasure lost.  
Our news wasn't so good today. We thought we were out of the woods with Marika's colt but this morning it was obvious he was in trouble and critical. Hoerr Vet clinic was called and we were put on the schedule for as soon as possible. The morning was spent feeding him with a syringe as he would no longer nurse. When Dr. Hoerr arrived he ran blood work and found the colt is showing signs of infection and turning septic. He was given fluids and a tube put down his nose so I can milk Marika and feed him.
He responded well to the fluids and was able to get up and actually latched on and sucked about 5 times before collapsing to rest. This was the first he has latched on today.
Joan had quite a night last night. Sarah hit a deer on Smithville road, the police were called and they were given permission to take the deer home to butcher it. They hung it up, slit it's throat to bleed it out before heading to bed.
 Sarah's car did not far well in the accident.
That wasn't the end of Joan's night, around 1:00 am  Rebekah called to report she was stuck on Hanna City Glasford road and needed to be pulled out. Joan was able to pull her out with the truck and the new straps Mark bought.  The mares and foals were turned out this afternoon when the weather turned nice. The foals were playing with the big ball as I was dumping the wheelbarrow full of manure. The pictures below were taken with the phone and zoomed in so not very clear. Lola's filly was kicking it and pushing it around with her nose.
 She kicked it behind her and it rolled towards Galena's filly who was shocked and ran away. 
 When the ball came to a stop both fillies went up to sniff this strange thing. 
This evening Mark needed me to help with the new culvert pipe. I drove the skid steer while he managed the pipe and we got it pulled through from the lake to the field under the road.
Diane came this evening and helped me give Marika's colt another liter of fluids along with 3cc's of Gentamiacin. He did not bounce back like I hoped. We also fed him 160 cc's of milk through his tube. He was given the next feeding at 8:00 pm but that was only 100 cc's . At 10:00 I will try to get more out of Marika as he is supposed to have 180 cc's every 2 hours. He is very critical. I'm not sure he will make it through the night but we are doing everything possible. 

1 comment:

  1. Hoping against hope that your efforts with the foal are rewarded with a good outcome. So been there.
