The Airbnb's HERE on the FARM

Wednesday, April 17, 2019

Nice Surprise

Right after our walk, which took a long time this morning, I went straight up to the apartment to change all of the bedding and get the  apartment ready for the next guests coming in on Friday.  The surprise came when I walked back to the house. Rhoda and Sarah were there cleaning with their daughters. The day was so nice we took a walk to the playground.

 Little Eden slept almost the entire time.
Zion and Iris enjoyed the trampolines.
 It doesn't look like it in the picture below but Emma is chasing geese. She was watching them, would move a few steps then lay down again. 

 We joined mom on her balcony. Zion wanted to go back to the playground and tried to slip under the gate to get there. 
Emma on the other hand tried to come on the balcony and just couldn't fit under the gate.
For lunch we picked up Hawaiian chicken salad from the Warehouse and brought it back to the house so we didn't have to load up the children. Anna picked me up at 1:00 pm to go to Taegan's Easter program at Farmington School. Taegan is in Kindergarten and their are a LOT of kindergartners at that school. 
The parents and grandparents really come out and support the music program. Below is a short video taken of some of their songs.

If you would like to see the rest of the pictures from our fun at the playground and a few of the program click HERE. As soon as I got home Gideon was brought into the indoor to groom up and give him a bit of instruction before taking him to the round pen for updated pictures.  Below he is willingly wearing the tarp.
 This colt has the mega mane, it will be thick and very long. His sire is Evan and his dam is Soul.
He is registered and DNA'D in the WARLANDER book of the Friesian Heritage Horse Registry.
 He turned a year old April 10th and is for sale for $5000.00.
He is also very athletic. I was hoping to make a video but he was calling for his paddock buddy Isla, started cantering and jumped out of the round pen, clearing it just fine.  I was SHOCKED. We have never had a foal jump out of the round pen.  He measured it, got a run at it,  cantered up and over then ran over to the mare and foal paddock.  When I walked toward him, he came right to me and was led back into the round pen but this time just for a few still pictures. I sure didn't want him jumping out again.  I will for sure need help to make a video of him later. 
Mark came home a little early from work, had a quick supper then went out to start digging a trench with the small Kubota for the drainage pipe.  We are expecting strong storms later tonight with the possibility of big hail so the mares and foals were brought into the indoor. Soul and Rosaleigh were both stalled. Rosaleigh is bagged up but no waxing. Soul is not bagged up but Rosaleigh is not content in a stall unless another mare is also in the stall barn. 
Brandee's mare Lilly delivered a huge filly yesterday morning. and today she posted THIS. The sire of the filly is Valiant. Yes, another very sweet filly.
Mom invited us over at 8:00 pm for games. Joan, Hannah and Ruth also came. We got such a late start that we only played a half of a game. 

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