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Tuesday, April 16, 2019

Flocks of White Pelicans Visit Middle Grove

Mom and Joan were not able to go on the walk this morning, both caught the sickness going around. Ruth was so paranoid that the sickness was caused by the wedding cake from Costco that she was going to throw it away. She told us, she was afraid to even give it to the chickens. We assured her that we would be GLAD to dispose of the cake for her..dispose it right into our mouths. That cake was delicious.  Diane helped give the colt his feeding right before I had to leave for Berean. If you would like to read about our morning there click HERE. I left as soon as the last Bible request was finished not even staying for lunch so I could get home in time to feed the colt but by the time I got home he had died.  This is another really hard loss for Horsemeister.  Mark got the small Kubota out to dig the grave after work.
Mike went to Middle Grove to check on the herd and sent back the video below
Those are not snow geese. They are a big flock of American white pelicans migrating through Illinois. The American white pelican is one of the largest birds in North America with a wingspan of 9 feet. Mike also took the picture below.
Tomorrow I'll plan on taking Marika out to Middle Grove and bringing back a mare that looks as if she has an infection on her cheek. I'm not sure which mare it is as I couldn't tell by the picture. 
Gideon and Isla were moved into the breeding shed paddock. There is a board down in their paddock and they keep getting out into the pond pasture with Galena and Lola. Gideon is just gorgeous. Isle is too but she hasn't shed out as much as Gideon. As it is suppose to be warm tomorrow maybe I can get them bathed and new pictures and videos for the website. Gideon just turned a year old and thinks he is quite grown up. He led very well tonight and was very respectful.  
The moon tonight is almost full and very bright. I snapped the picture below as we were coming in from burying Marika's colt.

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