The Airbnb's HERE on the FARM

Thursday, August 23, 2018

The Great Escape

After the walk I was quietly doing laundry inside when all of a sudden the sound of thundering hoofbeats and neighing horses burst out.  I ran to the door and saw all 5 of the horses from the cabin field galloping up the driveway, stopping to scream at Valiant first then taking back off and up to the top of the hill checking out all the horses in the paddocks. They were led by Jenis,
who was followed by Sally,
then Cookie,
then Sangria
and bringing up the rear of the pack, Oksana, galloping as fast as she could to catch up. She slammed on the breaks right in front of Indy's paddock then mosied over to eat grass in front of Evan.
I'm very very thankful none are in season right now.  Sangria and Sally didn't have halters on. Jenis came right up to me and willingly walked into the short shelter paddock followed by Oksana.  Sangria had to toss her head and show off a bit before running through the gate I was holding open for her. She is such a ditz.
I had to get grain to catch Cookie and Sally. Cookie was put in with Indy and Tory and promptly started terrorizing them. She would just look at them with her ears back and they would take off. It looked pretty funny watching this pony control those 2 huge mares.  Sally followed me into the breeding shed shelter for grain and was locked in while she was enjoying her treat. Cookie was moved in with Sally. I took the golf cart over to the cabin field to see if they had gotten a gate open but the gate was locked. Mike and Diane are putting up a shed and the fence was down in that area with just a rope and they ran through the rope.  As there is no hay in the breeding shed shelter I needed to move Jenis, Oksana and Sangria in with Indy and Tory. These 5 all like each other. Sally and Cookie were then moved into the short shelter. Mike had to run to Middle Grove as he got word a mare and foal were out there.  Today was the day of great escapes.  He is going to put up electric fence where the rope was tomorrow. The horses will be moved back then.
Prissy is still in but not covered today.
She will need to be covered tomorrow if she shows then.  Tatiana and her colt by Valiant were put out in the paddock next to the stall barn. It was such a beautiful day. The colt is doing great, full of energy and no more loose bowels. Hopefully I can get some updated pictures tomorrow of him for the website.
This evening the mares in the middle paddock were locked off the pond pasture so Mark could get that mowed. It is shocking how tall the weeds got. There is still quite a bit of grazing in that pasture but now that it is mowed I'll keep them off of it for a few days. We are expecting thunderstorms in the morning.
Today Ayanna's colt and Hadassah's filly were brought inside the stall barn, haltered, tied and given their first set of vaccines. I was really pleased with how well both of them did for the haltering and tying. These foals are BIG and strong and could easily get away from me and yet they stand there while the halter is latched, then both led up to the door of the stall to be tied. Both also did very well for their shots. They were given a treat and taken back out. Tomorrow Karin is coming and we will practice loading the foals that will be leaving soon.

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