The Airbnb's HERE on the FARM

Friday, August 24, 2018

Practice Makes Perfect

We awoke to more rain and it continued pretty much all morning and into the afternoon. It wasn't a hard rain, nice and soft and by the time it was over we had exactly a half an inch.  Our fields are really green and ready to be cut but there hasn't really been a break in the weather long enough to know it would be put up dry.
I finally went out around noon to tease Prissy. It was just sprinkling by then. Prissy just wouldn't show. She squealed and kicked out at Evan so I took her over to Valiant and tried him but no luck there either. Sure hope we didn't miss her but at least we got her covered once. 
Tatiana's colt is doing super. They were able to stay out pretty much all day now that the sun wasn't out and it is cool. He is really beautiful. Below he was peeking through the weeds, watching to see where I was going. He loves scratches and is always glad to see people coming.
He had a lot of fun galloping around the paddock today.
Today was the day we were to practice loading and unloading the foals that will be leaving soon. We usually don't start that until after their mom's have been taken back to Middle Grove but I'm running out of time with Ayanna's colt. He is going to be picked up Tuesday afternoon. The trailer needed some welding and Fedi is the master welder.  I hauled the trailer over to him this afternoon.

We have heard it said that the only thing Fedi can't fix with his welding ability is a broken heart and the crack of dawn.  By the time I got it back to the farm, Karin was here ready to start with the foals.  Claire was taken out first. She willingly led away from her mom and quietly stepped into the trailer.

She is such a good girl. She was loaded and unloaded 3 times.  D'Artagnan was (Ayanna's colt) was just let out of the paddock, haltered and taken into a stall and tied to wait for his turn.  Ella (Hadassah's filly) was led first to the round pen where Karin worked with her a bit to build her trust then led over to the trailer where she also walked right in. 

 She too was asked to load and unload 3 times. All the while Hadassah is in the stall and not at all happy that her filly was out of sight.  Ella called to her a couple times but totally trusted Karin to keep her safe. 
Once Hadassah and Ella were put away,  Ayanna's colt was taken out of the stall in out to the round pen. 

He was a very good boy and we are thrilled with how well behaved all 3 of the foals behaved today.  The next job was to move a new round bale in Indy's paddock. She is sharing that right now with  Tory, Jenis, Oksana and Sangria.  Hopefully tomorrow we can take Jenis, Oksana, Sangria, Sally and Cookie back to the cabin field. Mike came and got an electric fence charger today.  Karin worked with Oksana next.

Oksana will be in Hanna City for the Heritage Days Parade.  After Oksana was done, Karin also did some work with Jenis before quitting for the day.  I missed her working with Jenis, I was busy cleaning out the stock trailer for tomorrow.  We need to haul the golf cart and 2 horses in that and it really needed cleaning.  
Tonight Mark, mom and I went to the Fellowship Hall to hear Pastor Zsolt speak of his work with the Gypsies in Romania.  It started at 6:00 pm with a light meal then the Pastor spoke while showing slides and Fedi interpreted.  We were glad to have gone. The need there is so great. 

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