The Airbnb's HERE on the FARM

Sunday, August 26, 2018

Falling Behind

I'm really falling behind on the picture end of this business. I got going at 5:00 am to get the trail ride pictures posted. 

Above are just a few, if you would like to see the rest click HERE.  The weanlings were fed and watered and then Tatiana and her colt brought inside and the barn air conditioner turned on. We were going to be gone all day and the forecast is HOT with temps in the 90s and real feel in the 100s.  That is just too hot for the Tatiana's colt.  I have an app on the phone that lets me check the temperature in the barn. The air conditioner was set on 78 and it stayed 78 until late afternoon. Around 3:00 it reached 80 in there but by the time we got home it was back to a comfortable 78 degrees and that is with 3 big weanlings, one big mare and a foal all putting out heat.  I'm SO thankful for that air conditioner.  Mark and I went straight from church to State Farm Park in Bloomington, IL where Rhoda and Lee were hosting the family.  Pictures were taken of the grand children enjoying the water park there but since I still haven't downloaded the parade pictures from Saturday I didn't even look at the pictures from today.  I'm falling farther and farther behind. Rhoda and Lee provided us with supper there at the park. Everyone really enjoyed the day.  
As soon as I got home from State Farm Park around 7:00 pm, I ran out to the barn. Karin was there filling water buckets. The weanlings were doing so well we put breakable halters on them and put them outside in a paddock. Tatiana was teased and covered by Valiant. She and her colt were left in the breeding shed paddock and hay taken over to them there.   The stalls were stripped.  I will bleach down the stall tomorrow and get it ready for Indy, the next mare due to foal. She is due Sept 3rd.  The volley ball players were going strong by the time I got over to the playground.  They had enough players for 3 teams. They had entertaining good games, but all were really hot by the time they quit.  I just did the last check of the night and all is well.  Hope it stays that way all night. 

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