The Airbnb's HERE on the FARM

Monday, August 27, 2018

ALL Caught UP

The very first job this morning after the walk was to finish stripping and bleaching the foaling stall. I finally finished that job around 10:00 am and only then went in for a late breakfast. On the walk this morning I got a vine ripened tasty tomato for breakfast and ate that with my eggs. Did that ever taste good. I took a break and listened to AC central while working on the parade pictures from Saturday.
If you would like to see them click HERE
 listening first to Doyle Frauhiger from Bluffton North, then Earl Ringger who was speaking in Morris this weekend. Between sermons I ran up to the apartment and did the finishing touches for the guest coming in today.  This afternoon I needed to make a trip to Kroger to buy something for the Berean meal tomorrow.  I'm not going to mention what I'm having but it is something I've never served before there. We like it here so hopefully it will go over well.  Karin arrived after work today to take our visitor from Holland out on the 'death trails'.  Rebekah Martin brought Claire Izeboud out for riding and what is funny about this is that Hannah was too embarrassed to bring her believing our place is just to junky looking to have someone from Holland who knows all about Friesians.  Well Claire was given Sangria to ride and as we were heading down to the pond pasture to get Sangria, I mentioned that Sangria is an Andalusian.  Claire responded with, "Oh I've ALWAYS wanted to ride an Andalusian!"  We MUST tease Hannah about her snooty guest. Claire wasn't snooty at all, in fact she really enjoyed her ride today.

 Rebekah was given Missy to ride. 

Karin spent her time re-schooling Sally who has learned to grab the bit and GO. 
If you would like to see the rest of the pictures from the ride and schooling session click HERE
Just as they started this ride, the first load of sand arrived for the volley ball court.
Rachel spent most of the day removing the sand off the court. Karin used Sally to show the driver where to go.
 Then before they could head down to the trails a propane truck arrived and took the wrong turn heading to Rachel's house instead of Joan's house.
Karin used Sally to stop him then the horses were taken down the dam hill instead of the other trail.
I was put to work showing the propane truck the way to Joan's house as Karin told the driver to follow the golf cart. As we were heading down the lane the driver from Kickapoo Sand and Gravel was busy dumping his load.

Joan took mom to her eye doctor appointment then she and her children, Mackenson, Faith and Berlica went to work on the driveway filling in pot holes.

The last load of sand arrived while they were working, so Joan took the skid steer up to start spreading sand. When Mark got home he took over but the skid steer really isn't the job for that, it is just too big. I think Rachel took over using the small Kubota.  Phil had to leave on a service call so I ran over to Phil and Anna's house to stay with Taegan and Kensley until Anna got back from Braelyn's soccer practice. Braelyn is really having fun learning soccer.  When I got back I finished the pictures from yesterday's fun at State Farm Park.  

If you would like to see the rest of those pictures click HERE.
Tatiana and her colt were put inside and the air conditioner turned on as today was again in the 90s.  This evening she was turned out in the breeding shed paddock and promptly showed, if she is still in tomorrow morning she will need to be covered by Valiant. The health papers for all 3 foals leaving soon finally arrived as well as the 10 bales of hay. The first foal leaving is Ayanna's colt. He is leaving tomorrow evening. I am finally all caught up on the pictures from the weekend and there is something really satisfying about that. 

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