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Wednesday, April 19, 2017

Four Fillies

This morning the walkers had to stop at the barn to see Star's brand new filly.  Star's tail drags the ground and her mane is extremely thick. This filly looks like she inherited the mega hair from her dam and her thick bones from her sire. She is also black with that so desired silver tip. Iodine was applied to her cord and she is nursing well. Thankful after that rough start.
We now have 4 healthy fillies. I can't remember a year when the first four foals were all girls. Below is Star's filly  by Valiant a just a couple hours old.
The next picture is of Hadassah's filly by Evan at 19 days old. 
Below is Anna's filly by Valiant at 22 days old. 
And the next picture is of Lola's filly by Valiant at 3 days old. 
I'm so thankful for each safe birth and healthy filly. Wednesday's at the Berean office is usually just typing in Bible requests. Cindy and Carol came in to help. There were only 88 and we were done by 10:30 am giving me lots of time today to get new pictures of the four fillies. They are all such characters. Below is Hadassah's filly, she is curious but just a little shy. She loves to have her rear end scratched and will back into a bush to get the job done. 
Anna's filly was enthralled by the foal in the window which happened to be a reflection of herself. 
Hadassah had to come up to see exactly what she was looking at but when she saw herself staring back she was quite confused. Mike had to put that bar over the window as in the past we had horses try to get through that window into the cabin. 
The picture below is of Anna's filly's feather. At just 3 weeks old her feather is coming in thick and curly. She is going to be a stunner. She should end up well over 16 hands and with her conformation will be that fantasy Friesian everyone desires. 
My favorite picture of the day is posted below of Lola and her 3 day old filly by Valiant. Can you tell what she is thinking when she looks at her mom sitting? 
The udders on Soul, Zalena, Sheena and Lily were checked and double checked today. I sure don't want another mare losing a foal like this morning.
Mark drove mom, Diane, Sarah and me to church tonight. Craig Stickling had the message reading chapter 6 in the book of Daniel. After church Zalena needed to be brought into a stall and Star fed and watered and her stall cleaned for the last time today. Zalena has the routine down pat. I open the gate and she practically runs into her stall where her grain is waiting. She had significant waxing again tonight but her colostrum is still more yellow than milky.

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