The Airbnb's HERE on the FARM

Wednesday, April 19, 2017

Another FILLY

What a morning. I went out early to check the mares and saw Star standing at the bottom of the field in front of something. When I got there I was shocked to see it was just the placenta but no baby in sight. There are woods and a small ravine at the bottom of this field so immediately I started searching scrambling through stickers, falling down into the ravine and splashing through the small creek. Meanwhile Star would scream, gallop around then run back to the placenta. After searching and not finding the foal Mike was called and then by that time I was reasonably sure this foal was not anywhere in this field. Starting to believe a coyote hauled the foal off caused such a sick feeling in my stomach. I started searching the big field but no sign. Then Star ran up to the top of the field with the other mares. Looking over at Valiant's field I see the foal standing IN his field next to the gate going into his paddock. Valiant was watching this foal, which happens to be his daughter, but staying far enough away so as not to worry Star. Mike arrived right about that time and helped me get the foal out of Valiant's and back with Star. The 2 of us were able to get them to the barn. The filly was quick to latch on, she was STARVING.
A few pictures below with a little better lighting. 

She is silver tipped which is really cool. Rumor has it that any foal out of black parents that comes out with a black base but silver tipped is going to be blue black. We have found it to be true so far here on the horsemeister farm. 
Meanwhile Lola's filly is bouncing off the walls of their stall. It is time they are turned out but the sky looks menacing and at 3 days old she is just to young to be exposed to a storm. Mark helped move them. They were taken into the indoor arena and the water tank filled there. Both stalls were cleaned and Lola's stripped. These two will be staying in the indoor for a couple days while the stall is prepared for the next mare due. I finally made it back in the house around 7:00 am to cook Mark breakfast. Of course a shower was next on the list before heading out to the walk for exercise. Speaking of exercise, the heart doctor asked me once if I do that and I told him, "no I just don't have time."

1 comment:

  1. What a relief that the little filly was alive and well! Yikes I bet you were beside yourself with worry!! How in the world did she get into Valiant's paddock?
