The Airbnb's HERE on the FARM

Friday, May 13, 2016

Lot's of Activities Today

We had a cool morning but an absolutely beautiful day. Emily helped get the 2 outside mares covered. Honey was covered by Valiant and Mara was covered by Evan. We were thrilled with Mara, even though she is a maiden mare she stood like a pro. Honey did not do so well, hopefully she will be better tomorrow. Anna dropped off the girls at 8:00 am and we played outside most of the day, just coming in to refuel. Rhoda came and brought Ruby
 resting on the blanket while grandma works
 petting Winston
 April telling Kensley to come back here.
 Catching fish 

 catching bull frogs
 Playing with the puppies 

 Getting a ride on George before he goes back to Megan's house.

 Jumping on the tramp

 riding Missy

 building sand castles by the round pen
 enjoying an ice cream cone on the patio
 picking flowers for grandma's vase
 adding wild flowers to the roses from Rhoda
 almost catching a snake (he got away)
 rescuing a baby bird then making a nest for it. 
 The baby sparrow, it fell from the nest and a cat was stalking it in the barn. Braelyn rescued it. 
 playing on the playground

 very reluctantly giving the bird to Faith to take care of. This was oh so sad. 
 Jumping on the tramp at the playground with Joan's kids. 

Phillip came to pick them up WAY to early (around 4:00 pm) to say good by to their baby bird. Braelyn just couldn't hold the tears back. We had a fun busy day.
Rhoda helped get a few pictures of Sheena's new colt for the website.

Emily dropped off Whitney and Hadassah at Middle Grove and brought back Jenis, Bunni and Missy for the scheduled trail ride.
Rhoda decided we needed new pictures of Missy and Jenis for the website too. Below is beautiful Jenis:

She is such a fantastic mare.
We had a long fun day. This evening the weather turned for the worst, we had heavy rain and now lots of wind. It wasn't fun heading up to the barn for the last feeding of the day. 

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