The Airbnb's HERE on the FARM

Tuesday, March 22, 2016

It's a BOY

This morning I overslept and only had time to make Mark breakfast then feed and water Zephyr before the walk. We only did one round though as I needed to leave early to pick up the Berean mail at TEMCO and still arrive at the Berean office by 9:00 am. To read about our delightful day there click HERE.
The Berean mail was dropped at the the Hanna City post office around 3:00 pm. That's how late we worked. I was going to go to the DMV to renew the 2003 truck license plate and to get the 2006 exiss trailer plate but it just got too late. Why do today when it can be put off until tomorrow right? My grandpa Meister would be saying about now, "IyaYaYaYai"
Sherry, the owner of Piper, who lives in the state of Washington, called to report Piper had a colt this afternoon. She sent this picture.
This is Valiant's first foal born for 2016. Sherry writes: He's getting the hang of it, a good sucker but still doesn't always know where to suckle.. The vet has been here and gave Piper an oxytosin shot as she still hasn't delivered the placenta. They are going to give her one more shot in 30 minutes then if it doesn't drop take her to the university vet clinic.
Piper is being a good mom. Congratulations Sherry!
Mark helped move a round bale in for Valiant then worked on getting a mower up and running. The grass is growing fast. We had 72 degrees and sunshine today.

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