The Airbnb's HERE on the FARM

Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Another Booking

This beauty will be coming here to breed to one of our stallions. Her name is Willow and she is a purebred Friesian mare. Her owner is bringing her on May 8th, after church.
 Her owner actually found us by looking at this colt's registration papers.
This colt's name is Titan..anyone remember who Titan's dam is? Why this is Ella's 2014 colt by Evan at a year and a half old. The owner bought him not knowing anything about our stallions or mares but knew he was quality the instant he saw him. He lives in Chicago, also owns 2 Friesian mares and was looking for a stallion to breed them to when he saw my name on Titan's registration papers, saw I was from Illinois, did a google search which took him this blog and from there the website. So Ella's  2014 colt actually brought in more than just purchase price. Hmmm maybe we will have to breed Ella back this fall.  Titan's full brother Zephyr is now in the barn being weaned and has such amazing movement we were already thinking about doing so. Ella is still at Ruth's but will be taken back to Middle Grove as soon as I find an extra hour and that wasn't to be found today. This morning was spent at the DMV office getting the Exiss trailer transferred into our name, paying for the registration, and getting the truck license renewed. I finished just after 10:00 am and from there went to the Berean office to type in the letters. There were more than 400 requests and we only have 313 Bibles left in the office.  
When I got home the mares were checked, Zephyr cared for and supper cooked. No church tonight, Peoria will have a service on Good Friday instead this week. 
A couple of Ameren service men showed up today to check out the solar system and put in a new reversible meter. They shut off the electricity to the house and the barn which means my computer will not turn back on so I'm typing this on the lap top. Maybe it will work tomorrow or I may just have to wait until Taegan comes over again. 
A very nice update came from the lady that owns Fathom.  Fathom was Lily's daughter by Raven that was born with severe cataracts so severe that she was diagnosed completely blind by the ophthalmologists at the University of IL. The vets there recommended we put her down... Cortney writes:. Four years ago this beauty was born! She walked into my life right when I needed a friend. She has taught me some things in life can't be fathomed and that you have to step out even when you can't see where you are going. She is beautiful and smart! Happy Birthday, Fathom!! 
 I am so thankful you didn't put her down!!! I get teary thinking about my life without her! She is a blessing and I am thankful for her! We have lots of riding adventures ahead of us!
 What an amazing bond these two have formed and I love her updates. Knowing she is happy and well cared for just reinforces we made the right decision. This one sentence Cortney writes must be repeated not just for her or her amazing horse but for all of us:
She has taught me some things in life can't be fathomed and that you have to step out even when you can't see where you are going. 
A special thank you to Cortney and Fathom for reminding us of that.
 And now for a couple true but funny stories. Spark and Rhonda just came home from a vacation with Rhonda's parents. They were with Dick and Glady's and asking about a store when Dick pipes up, "it's at that Bedpans and Beyond store."
When we were at Potluck at Marvin and Jane's house there were a couple parents there with kindergartners. One little boy had been called into the principles office 3 times in the first week. The mom of the other little boy asked him, "have you ever been called into the principles office?" When he said no, the mom asked him, "who gets called into the principles office?" Her kindergartner was quick to tell her, "why mom, it's the following students."

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