The Airbnb's HERE on the FARM

Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Thanksgiving Food Preparation

Thanksgiving Eve and right now everything is done and the house is quiet. It wasn't this way earlier. Sarah arrived while I was still on the walk to help clean the house for company. She had the bathroom done even before I came inside. What a nice surprise. Daughters are the best! The first job on the list of things that had to be done today was the pie baking. Uh I way over did that, didn't mean to but somehow the pumpkin pie filling was like the loaves and fishes or the cruse of oil, it just kept filling the pie shells until I ran out. Eight pumpkin pies later and it was time to start on the pecan but of course that meant making more pie crusts and we don't just make one crusts, may as well make 3 so we have 2 pecan pies and 1 deluxe chocolate cream pie. With 11 pies to feed around  21 people we may have just a few too many this year. Oh well maybe I can take a few over to Joan's house, she is hosting the Meister family this year.
The turkey was put in the oven next along with sweet potatoes then the timer was set and I got busy chopping onions, celery, an apple and some sausage to start on the stuffing. About an hour later I realized the oven had turned off. This new fangled cooking machine will turn itself on or off when I accidentally hit the delay start instead of the timer. Once the stuffing was stuffed inside of the fridge I took a break from cooking to work on laundry then head outside for a short walk to check over the horses.
Ben, Taunya, Addyson, Jack and Jace came this evening to spend the night at the apartment. We had a nice visit. I grabbed the camera when the kids all started climbing on Ben's lap as he was talking to Mark. They were little wiggle worms tonight.

The turkey is now de-boned and the carcass is boiling in a big pot of water for soup on Friday. The sweet potatoes are mashed and in the casserole dish and in the fridge. The gravy turned out just about perfect. Tomorrow things should be so easy, just heat up the food and drive the short distance to Phil and Anna's new house.

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