The Airbnb's HERE on the FARM

Thursday, November 26, 2015

Thankful For Thanksgiving

What a wonderful day. Our country set this day aside to give thanks to our Lord, our God, our Savior. I'm thankful our country realized the need to be thankful. David Obgerfel had the Thanksgiving service this morning, giving us a brief history of this set aside day, ending with so many reasons we have to be thankful.
After church the oven was turned on and the food that had been prepared yesterday all popped in the oven. The day was mild and not raining so the kids decided to hold off the meal until 1:30 pm and go running to work up an appetite. I was glad for the extra half hour, that  was about how long it took to get the food hot. Jon and Kim arrived from Elgin and we drove over to Phil and Anna's together. Below are a few pictures of our afternoon and evening. The kids eating the first course at the kid's table.

 The second course was truly a feast for the senses, that is the sight and taste part. Each bite was better than the first. 
 Below is a typical plate of the bountiful delicious dinner.
Of course for the last course we had much pie as anyone wanted and even after that we still had pie. But..I guarantee by tomorrow evening all the pie will be gone. 
After dinner the kids were busy playing train while the adults visited. 
 Mark, Jon, Kim and I decided to head to Joan's to crash their party. We walked in to find these four busy playing carbols. What was funny about this game was every once in a while someone would burst into song. We were not sure if it was because she was winning or she was trying to mess with the other's brains.  What ever the reason, it was beautiful.
 We went downstairs to find Rodney and Kristin's dog standing in the open door way begging to be allowed inside but Joan, who is taking care of him this week does not allow dogs in her house. That is most dogs in her house, I noticed Miss Molly had made herself at home on a chair INSIDE the house.
 Joan and Tim had around 40 people come for dinner, the strangest guests by far are pictured below. Just who in the world is this little floozy?
 Nancy enjoyed the evening and enjoyed the hair too. 
We don't know what next year will bring but have much to be thankful for this year. Our tummies are full, the guests are settling down and we are heading now to our soft comfortable bed.

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