The Airbnb's HERE on the FARM

Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Raining Rain and Blessings

We awoke to rain, it rained most of the night but just in time for the walk the rain stopped, at least slowed down to a very light sprinkle so most of us ended up walking, at least for 1 round. The horses don't seemed concerned at all by this rain. It must be that the temperature is a balmy 52 degrees. Evan and Oksana were out grazing and all 5 of the weanlings were taking a nap. Not inside where they could stay dry they were all sacked out outside the barn.

 Darcy wasn't sure if she should go out or not.
I left for Berean's in such a hurry I forgot my phone. I had to stop at Meister's to pay some bills so used the work phone to call Walter's Ag Service to tell them where to dump the lime that was suppose to be delivered this morning. I was soon on the way to TEMCO to pick up the mail for Bereans. If you would like to read about our blessings there today click HERE.
It was still raining when I left Bereans hours later and as this is being typed it is still pouring outside. We should end up with around 3 inches out of this storm. I forgot to drive up to see if the lime was delivered and have no desire to go outside to check tonight. Tomorrow the rain is predicted to stop so all outside work can wait until then.

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