The Airbnb's HERE on the FARM

Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Missing Glasses

My glasses have been missing now for 2 solid weeks. I only use them on Wednesday evenings, Sundays and if I'm driving at night. The first time I realized they were not in my purse was 2 Wednesday's ago but I wasn't worried they had probably fallen out of the purse and were surely on the desk but... they weren't. Then they were forgotten until that next Sunday so when I got home from church the house, car and truck were searched but without the desired results. Today the house was pretty much torn apart looking for the missing glasses, the chairs were flipped upside down the toy box emptied, the bed mattress moved but no glasses. I drove to the Berean office and checked the desks, floors, drawers, and boxes, nope not there. While there the Bible requests were entered into the computer and the labels printed. There were over 330 request for Bibles that came in on Tuesday. I left the other letters to process tomorrow.
The next step was to drive to Diane's office and check there. I remembered pulling the checkbook out of my purse there just maybe the case had fallen out on her file cabinet but no luck.
By this time it was after 2:30 pm and I was suppose to meet Karin at Middle Grove with the truck and trailer by 3:30 pm. The truck was started and even before I got out of the drive there was a problem. The truck engine sounded like it was missing and didn't have much power. Bummer, another repair bill coming up. I drove it anyway to Middle Grove, pulled in and realized pretty quickly I wasn't going to be able to drive back to the horses. We had just too much rain the last few days. The truck and trailer were turned around and left. The hike wasn't terrible, windy and cool but not freezing. The horses were actually found within 15 minutes. They were scattered all over the hillside grazing. Marika was at the far end but her colt was not with her. He was up grazing with some of the other horses. It took a while to go get Marika, bring her over to her colt then start the long hike to the trailer. This colt is 5 months old and ready to wean. Marika was loaded then the colt haltered and loaded. Karin arrived about then so Marika was unloaded and she held her while I drove off with her son. He is now stalled and not too happy but he is eating and drinking so should be fine.
Sarah and Nolan stopped in for supper with exciting news, they put an offer in on a house and depending on the inspection may end up with it.
We had a blessing at church tonight, the ICC/Bradley young group came. Craig Stickling had the service. It was so good to be there even without glasses.

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