The Airbnb's HERE on the FARM

Saturday, November 7, 2015

Fluffy Puppies For Sale

Oh my do we have a treat for some want to be puppy owner. Rhoda has 2 of these beautiful fluffy tiny puppies for sale.
 These are full sister. Their mom is a purebred non shedding Maltese and their dad is a tiny purebred fluffy Pomeranian. They weigh around 2 pounds each right now and are 8 weeks old. They were born Sept. 10th, 2015 and have had their first shots, first parvo vaccine and was de-wormed on Nov 6th, 2015.
These puppies should stay pretty tiny only reaching between 10 and 12 pounds when full grown. Rhoda is asking $325.00 each for them. They are sweet, playful and friendly.

If interested in the little black female and want to see many more pictures of her click HERE
If interested in the little tri-color female and want to see lots of pictures of her click HERE
Mark graded the drive ways this morning as the roads were about the perfect consistency to get the best results. While he was working on those Soul was pulled out, her mane and tail combed out and her legs cleaned off. Karin arrived just as I was finishing up. We had just loaded Soul for the trip to Carlock when Spark arrived on his whateveryoucallit machine with 4 of his grand daughters.
 The older 2 were off and running to see the horses while the 3rd wanted to ride a horse. We were just ready to pull out so Spark gave her a piggyback ride which is almost as good.
 Karin and I made good time arriving exactly at 11:00 am. Soul was unloaded and put in a paddock while Oksana was loaded into the trailer. Below is Soul looking over at the trailer as if to say, "you are leaving me here?"
We decided to stop at Big R's in Pekin on the way home as we were completely out of cat food. While we were gone Mark got Joan to help set a new gate over by the round pen. When we arrived back Oksana was taken into the arena for a few pictures.
She was pretty low key, we expected her to want to run, gallop and buck but instead she didn't really want to move. Rhoda and Lee came over to show us the puppies for sale when Sarah arrived. She helped with the puppy pictures. As Rhoda was here we decided to move Valiant into Evan's paddock, move Evan into Valiant's field and put Oksana with him. Evan is going to need a pasture mate since he is going to the Horse Fair this coming year, he gets the field. Below Rhoda is taking him to the field.
 Of course after a quick roll in the mud Evan explodes and just can't seem to keep all 4 feet on the ground.

He finally settled down so Rhoda asked him for a few of his tricks.

 Oksana was then brought out. We were waiting with the camera to see what would happen. Oksana went right up to him, screamed, whirled and started kicking. Evan ran to the back of the pasture just as fast and as far as he could go. 
We watched for a bit but when they both settled down to graze reasonably close to each other we felt we could safely leave. 

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