The Airbnb's HERE on the FARM

Friday, November 6, 2015

Attitude Adjustment

Well today I think I broke Diane. Today was the day to reconcile the check book and I thought it wouldn't be too hard since only around 8 checks were written this entire month but somehow someway this mystery of bookkeeping just won't follow my rules. My rules are check the online banking and if the check book gets low throw money in it. Seems pretty simple right? Well this month I was off $490.00. That is the bank showed $490.00 more than the check book. In my mind this is a good thing but not in Diane's. In the past she would have me search for pennies but today she gave up, circled the balance and said, "I give up, you win!" That probably isn't a good thing I'm thinking. How could sisters be so different?
Karin came over this afternoon to meet the 2 new mares and work them for the very first time. She pulled Rosaleigh out first. Rosaleigh was tossing her head, going after the dog and not paying attention to Karin. She needed and got an attitude adjustment.

Toward the end of the session she was following Karin but not really enjoying her company. Once Rosaleigh was put away and Roxanne in the round pen things changed quickly. Roxanne was submissive and obviously wanted to please. She was trying to figure out quickly what Karin was asking. Karin exclaimed, "What a sweet mare!"

The evening sun was lighting up the trees behind the arena but going down quickly. The mares were put away and dinner ordered from Gils tonight. Karin is spending the night at mom's then tomorrow is going with me to Carlock to drop off Soul and pick up Oksana.

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