The Airbnb's HERE on the FARM

Thursday, October 15, 2015


The next installment of Spark's on doing time in the Peoria County Jail is now posted on the Berean Blog. This one was the update on the fight that Spark wrote about on Doing Time 7. If you would like to read his update click HERE
If you would like to read his other posts on Doing Time check out these links:
Doing Time 1 click HERE
Doing Time 2 click HERE
Doing Time 3 click HERE
Doing Time 4 click HERE
Doing Time 5 click HERE
Doing Time 6 click HERE
Doing Time 7 click HERE
Doing Time 8 click HERE
Doing Time 9 click HERE
Doing Time 10 click HERE
Now for the record Spark must have skipped Doing Time 11. If you know Spark hound him to send 11 on over.

This afternoon we plan on taking Bunni and Cookie back to Middle Grove and bringing home Ripper to get him gelded and Prissy's colt for weaning. Praying we can get this accomplished. Diane's sewing club will be relieving us at Berean around 1:00 pm so we should have the time. Emily is bringing a guest out to go riding at Middle Grove which will give us an extra pair of hands to help with the loading. Why we are worried is Winston, Prissy's colt is very independent and does not always follow his mom. He will run off to the herd while she stands in the trailer and calls. We won't have a bit of trouble loading Ripper, he is one of those horses that if we leave the trailer door open he climbs in to check it out hoping for a ride.

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