The Airbnb's HERE on the FARM

Sunday, March 22, 2015

More Wedding News

I know I know the wedding is now old news but there were so many thoughts running through my head they should probably be written down.
The first was a BIG BIG thank you to Liz Robinson for doing all the cooking. Liz is a cousin to Dan's wife Susan and a member of the Bloomington AC church. I never met her in person until yesterday but had complete faith that everything would be better than expected and it was.
The food was delicious and presented beautifully. Thanks again Liz.
Yesterday morning when we drove over to pick up mom early for the pictures she wasn't quite ready. She was looking for her phone. She would call her phone from the land line and hear it ring but just couldn't find it anywhere. It just seemed that the phone was right there in the room. Finally she decided since she was not driving she would just leave the phone home. We started that long drive to Bloomington, got about half way when her phone went off IN OUR CAR. Now how could that be? it had been going off in HER house when she decided to just walk away. I determined it must be in her coat and had her take off her coat, nope it wasn't in any pocket and she didn't have pockets in her dress. Only then did she realize she had stuck it in her bra this morning since she didn't HAVE any pockets. I was just so thankful the phone went off on the drive instead of during the wedding service. Can you imagine her trying to turn off that phone that she didn't even realized was with her, then trying to find it in a panic? Why she would have started dancing during the ceremony and that would have been frowned upon.
The candy store was such a fun idea and it was all Rhoda's idea, probably because we didn't have a lot of candy growing up. Well it was fun for the kids too. Diane found one of her grandson's helping himself. Check out Crew's cheeks. They were stuffed so full we just had to laugh.
Rhoda had put the big candy machine together and no one could figure out how to take it apart without any instructions. David was able to get it out to the parking lot but all of the cars were filled to capacity so that was stuck in Lee's car. He is going to have quite a surprise when they get back from their honeymoon.
Gary and his fiance Marie were very helpful guests. Marie stayed after the reception to help clean up. Marie and Gary's wedding will be the next wedding celebrated in Peoria. We were blessed to be able to sit with them yesterday and heard a bit of their story. God is so faithful.
Marie is Emily's mom so Emily has been in high demand. By the end of this summer she will have been in a wedding about every 2 months.
This wedding of a first born daughter was anticipated for, prayed about for years, then in a heart beat it was over. Time here on earth really is just a vapor. The celebration in heaven never has to end. Just saying!

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