The Airbnb's HERE on the FARM

Saturday, October 19, 2013

Winning Bid

I took a trip to Middle Grove this morning to bring back Rosalie, Lily's filly by Raven and Pandora, Ribbon's filly by Raven. Both of these fillies needed to be weaned. Mike and Diane met me with the 4 wheelers. It didn't take long to find the herd, the hard part was finding a halter big enough to fit Ribbon, hers has disappeared. We tried to fit the hackamore on but that couldn't go wide enough. Finally I just put a halter around her neck and led her back to the trailer along with Lily. Loading went better than expected and once home both fillies were put in the far paddock for a few pictures. Below is Pandora checking out Emily's 12.2 hand pony Misty. Pandora is almost 6 months old and towers over her.
Rosalie is pictured below. She got a leading and tying lesson and she REALLY needed that lesson.
Thank goodness Mark was home and willing to help, it took both of us to lead her. She is smart though the I went out 3 more times and each time was better, by the 3rd time she didn't fight at all against the rope.
Piper is still in and covered by Evan. Her owner Sue came today for a short visit.
Karin picked up Nancy and brought her out to mom's then had some time to kill before her company came so pulled out Eliza for training. Karin ends her sessions with trick training. Below Eliza is learning the bow.

Eliza was walked back to the paddock and Anna was brought out. Karin is very impressed with this mare.

Karin's company arrived for riding lessons. Below Karin is bringing Paris in from the field with a couple of helpers.
These are all Kathy Huthman's nieces and nephews.

I couldn't stay we needed to pick up mom for the Skyline soup dinner and auction. Both Mark and I had to work at it. My job was done by the time the auction started. We bid on a weeks vacation Ken and Darlene Hoerr donated and even though we had some stiff competition WE WON!  

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