The Airbnb's HERE on the FARM

Saturday, October 19, 2013

Friday's News on Saturday

Yesterday my day started at 4:00am, not that it needed to but knowing I had to leave the house at 6:00am to pick up Israel caused my brain to tell me all night long, "it must be time to get up, you can't be late!" This is a terrible affliction we grew up with and we all blame our parents.  Even now if we are not 15 minutes early to dinner at mom's we are late and she starts calling.
After breakfast Rhoda and Emily came over to play with Israel. Rhoda is the one to blame for the picture below.
The weather was cold and blustery, not very conducive to having a baby outside so when Rhoda and Emily went out to work horses we stayed inside. When Jenny's home schooling group came over for Emily's bending pole clinic Israel was wrapped up warm so a few pictures could be taken. Paris was the perfect pony for this group.
Emily would work with 1 at a time so the boys pulled out their football while waiting their turn.

The girls were more than willing to hold Israel while waiting their turn.

Below are a few of the riding pictures the rest were placed on the Horsemeister Facebook page.

 Willow was able to ride the poles at a canter without missing any.
They all had a good time and learned a lot. Thanks Emily for all your hard work.
Mom stopped over with some home made vegetable beef soup on her way to the art exhibit at the Old School Center. That was delicious! For some reason food always tastes better when someone else cooks it. 

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