The Airbnb's HERE on the FARM

Thursday, October 17, 2013

Play Practice

It was raining this morning so we didn't have our walk, I was able to get down to work early to start processing the letters and finished by noon. Once the sun came out Piper was taken out and teased. She is showing so was covered by Evan. Diane arrived on her golf cart with 2 of her grand children so I put Irelyn to work holding Piper so a picture could be taken.
That is one big horse for such a small child to hold but Irelyn did just fine. Notice the blanket in the basket on the cart? The picture below shows what is INSIDE the blanket.
 Irelyn's little baby brother Crew. He loves golf cart rides too. Piper was taken to the outdoor arena for a few shots for the website. She really is a lovely mare.
Piper was born July 24th, 2009 out of Sanna W by Raven. She will be for sale as soon as she is confirmed in foal for only $13,000.00 and comes with live foal guarantee, a very reasonable price for such a beautiful tall young purebred Friesian mare and foal. Piper was professionally trained to ride this summer. I'll get riding pictures and a video later. When Rhoda and Emily arrived they got right to work first helping me move 3 round bales then working the horses. Killian and Jenis are paired up for the show and needed to work together. Below are a few pictures of their practice. Below is Jenis cantering around with the tarp flying out behind her.

Above is Emily trotting Killian and below is Rhoda taking Jenis through the cage.

 Above is Jenis jumping and below is Rhoda galloping Jenis

 Above is Emily on Killian galloping along side galloping Jenis and Rhoda, below the horses have to accept the tarp flowing between them at a walk, trot and canter.

 Above is Emily taking Killian through the cage and below is Emily jumping Killian
During the practice Emily made the comment, "Killian would never survive in the wild, he isn't afraid of anything!" Did I mention how thrilled we are with this boy?

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