The Airbnb's HERE on the FARM

Wednesday, October 16, 2013


The Bible studies needed to be taken to Gail Hodel this morning so we arranged to meet at Sams so I could buy the eggs I forgot yesterday. Of course one just doesn't buy eggs at Sams but only $26.00 lighter I was on my way to the shop to pay a few bills and make a few copies. The last 3 registrations were taken to the post office to send in to Friesian Heritage Horse along with a transfer for Anna and Emma. By the time I arrived home it was time to tease Jenis (she is out) tease Anna (still in) move Paris to the pasture behind Valiant's to prepare her paddock for the mare coming in to breed to Evan. Emily and Rhoda came along with me to pick Piper up. She is a Raven daughter out of Sanna W and at 4 years old HUGE! I think she is as tall as Valiant. We planned on taking pictures but the weather was not playing nice. It seemed like a gray cold November day even though it is only the 16th day of October. The sun never came out, the clouds were hanging low making everything damp and the wind was steady and COLD. It was a good day do laundry and to clean up the machines used at the Spoon River drive. The popcorn machine and cotton candy machine will be put away now until the March show.
Mom volunteered today at the Midwest Food bank and reported they didn't have enough volunteers yesterday or today. There is still load out tomorrow so if anyone needs something to do they would be glad for more help.
Mark drove to church tonight, Tim Funk had the message reminding us there really is nothing too hard for God.

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