The Airbnb's HERE on the FARM

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Rhoda the Horse Whisperer?

Early this morning, even before the sun rose enough to see, Mark helped clear ice from the truck so I could drive it in to Peoria to get the trailer lights repaired. Except just I started down the ice covered driveway the lights were turned on and I happened to look back and saw...TRAILER LIGHTS! The truck and trailer were left on the hill, no way to back up on the ice. Gary Byerline of Byerline's garage was called to tell him the lights were fixed. Hopefully the ice will melt off soon, the front truck tire needs to be repaired before the road trip on Friday. At Berean today, Eva Jean and I were on fire, we had the copy machine churning out thousands of copies while the studies were being process and the labels were printing. We worked overtime because we didn't want to turn off the copy machine while it was working so well. After work dog food plus a few more groceries, like $149.00 worth of groceries, were picked up at Sams. By the time I arrived home, Rhoda had already taken out most of Emma's staples and was working with Ayanna in the indoor.
Karin called about then so I mentioned Rhoda is working with Ayanna and she is doing amazing. Once Rhoda was finished with Ayanna I started watering the arena while she put her back and got out Eliza. The dust was damped down then the hose was put away, I headed back to the farm house to start dinner. Karin arrived to see Rhoda riding and just assumed it was Ayanna and was flabbergasted to see her on the horse. She starts asking did you lunge her with the saddle first?" Rhoda answers, "no, she doesn't need that." Still Karin doesn't recognize that Rhoda is on Eliza instead of Ayanna and again asks, "didn't she buck or react?" Rhoda can't figure out why Karin is asking if Eliza bucked. This went on for quite a few minutes with Karin more and more impressed believing Rhoda is riding an untrained 2 year old and had her doing shoulder ins, leg yields, and walk canter departs. Karin finally says, "you must be some kind of miracle horse whisperer." About then Rhoda finally realizes, Karin thinks she is riding Ayanna. Today Karin and Rhoda gave the boys a big test which they passed. Both boys are doing well with the round pen reasoning so Rhoda brought out a mare in season and walked up to the gate. Karin was able to keep their attention and they actually left the gate and walk toward her into the middle. That to me is SO impressive. This gives us reassurance that they will behave down at the IL Horse Fair.

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