The Airbnb's HERE on the FARM

Saturday, December 1, 2012

To Serve

Ciera left for her long trip to Colorado this morning around 10:30am. As soon as the huge 7 horse trailer pulled out of the driveway I was on my way to Sams Club. Rhoda, David and Stephanie are serving lunch tomorrow at church and it was my job to pick up the goodies from Sams. That didn't take as long as expected and I arrived to set up the tables a good half hour early. Leona Ivie was there dropping off some comforters for the quilters, saw me working and insisted on helping. She has a true servant heart. Diane arrived shortly after that and by the time David, Stephanie and Kristin arrived the tables were set. ACs may not know how to do everything but we sure do know how to serve large groups of people reasonably and efficiently. It is such a privilege to serve. So this is the invitation, if you want a really nice lunch show up in Peoria around 9:45am, your soul can be refreshed and fed first then your body. Mark spent the day fencing and not with swords. He finished setting all of the posts, went through a ton and a half of concrete. He came in covered with dirt and concrete dust and then wondered why I strongly suggested he step right into the shower.

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