The Airbnb's HERE on the FARM

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Update from Maria

Cinder had her baby girl on April 25th. We didn't see any of the usual signs so we missed the big event. But everything is well and Bella (we think that is her name) is cute as a button. I'm thinking she will turn gray, since she is black black and has some white hairs at the top of her tail and above her eyes. According to the stuff I've read the signs lead to the color gray. I wanted to ask you about breeding her back to Raven or one of the other studs you have. I don't know how the AI thing works or what all is involved in that but if you could throw me some numbers I'd appreciate it. I kind of keep up on the blog and I read the part on a mare that had some colic issues? Cinder may have had that too. Around the week of March 25th she was acting different and standing away from the ponies and laying down a lot. I thought maybe she was going to be early but the vet thought she had a little colic episode. So I'm assuming it was that since she obviously didn't have her baby then. Maria
Isn't she adorable! How about it readers, do you think she will turn gray or stay black? Either way she is a beauty. The next is a couple pictures Emily sent of Bonnie and Mindy. Emily reports both ponies are doing well, at first she told us Bonnie was a real sweetheart and Mindy (the paint) was a brat, but Mindy has now had an attitude adjustment and also coming along well.
Thanks Emily! The ponies look great. Today is Mothers-Day and Horsemeister, Inc would like to wish all mothers, grandmothers, and most of all the so helpful AUNTS a special blessing for the day.

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