The Airbnb's HERE on the FARM

Sunday, May 13, 2012


The phone call came on the way home from church around 2:00pm, Airiah had unfortunately delivered while the Moser's were gone and she rejected the baby. They found the baby just before 2:00pm and thought she was probably born in the morning. This is going to be hard work for the Moser's they are able to milk Airiah and feed the beautiful black filly but the mare tries to kick or bite the poor little thing each time she comes near. We've only had one mare reject and that was Jenis the first time she delivered. After 24 hours of trying to keep the foal fed and the mare from killing her we ended up hauling them to UofI where a student was in the stall with them 24 hours a day for over a week. This had a good ending Jenis did eventually accept the filly but it was not something we ever wanted to happen again. We are very careful with maiden mares, if we have to leave the mare is locked in the double stall so if she did deliver she can't walk away and once the mare sniffs and licks the foal all is well. Please pray for the Moser's. The kids provided dinner tonight, Rhoda and Sarah showed up with the dessert, an ice cream cake from Dairy Queen.
Phil and Anna brought Gil's famous fried chicken and all the fixens. Braelyn had fun playing with the topper of the cake.
After dinner Mark got the games out for her, she loved the bean bag game.
Even the dogs enjoyed the company, below is Darcy staring intently at Rhoda trying to comprehend every word that Rhoda would speak. How that dog loves her.
Mike and Willow came by on Jewel and Paris.
Willow had to show me how she can trot Paris where ever she wants her to go.
That pony is a jewel! Soon we all headed over to the playground for volley ball. The games were not as intense as yesterday but still fun.
Tate, Willow and Braely had fun playing on the trampoline.
Rhoda had to get on and show them how to do a flip.
Willow and Braelyn started playing on the volleyball court in the sand between games.
Tate found a friend in the Lafayette, IN visitor, Luke Wahl.
The dogs played and rough housed so much they were exhausted. Below is Heidi, Emma and Karin's dog Studly
The evening became cool, mom built a campfire and gradually we all ended up migrating over to the warmth. Hope we have good news soon for the Moser's and Airiah.

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