The Airbnb's HERE on the FARM

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Looooong day

The day started early before 5:00am to get laundry done before the walk. I needed to be at work early enough to get some papers printed and mailed out. Our printer is not working here at the farm. Eva Jean and I had a relatively light day with the Bible program, finishing before 11:30am. After lunch it was off to Sams, it was our turn to serve lunch at choir and we wanted to make it special as this is the last time we serve this year. We bought jumbo shrimp, crab, strawberries, pound cake, whip cream (for strawberry short cake), St. Louis soggy cake (never had heard of that before)carrots, broccli, dip and a hot chicken casserole. Once back the strawberries needed to be cleaned and prepared, they were not juicy so a glaze needed to be made and the casserole heated up.
Karin came over to ride before Meister volleyball and of course I had to watch that. The mares are doing amazing and what is even more amazing is she is still using the outdoor arena. There were very few days this winter it couldn't be used. Of the three she is training it is most fun to watch Jenis. She has Jenis sidepassing both directions fantastic crosses with both the front and back. Ylse is a bit more stiff on that and Zalena is just learning. Ribbon was brought out and checked and the medicine worked, her mastitis is cleared up. We did not re-treat her. Mike came in after dinner to see if Karin would join he and Diane at the cottage at Middle Grove on Friday night and ride Saturday morning. I'm glad they are heading out there they can check on Bow who is there for the first time.
We left for choir at 6:45pm and didn't arrive home until after 10:30pm. That was a long night of practice but the food went over great!
We didn't have a lot of left overs but what was left will be taken to the shop tomorrow.
Good night all.

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