The Airbnb's HERE on the FARM

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Coffee Please

The chest ex-ray is scheduled today for 10:45am, the rules the hospital gave was nothing by mouth 4 hours before. So even though we went to bed terribly late last night, I'm up at 5:00am waiting for the coffee maker to make that little beeping sound. Once that happens no dogs, kids or husbands better be between this computer and that coffee maker. There are some things this body will still(try)to move fast for. There is a piece of left over St. Louis soggy cake that will go nicely with that first cup. Ahhh it's done and taste great. I'm thanking God as each sip is taken in and relished. Do you think there will be coffee in heaven? Isn't it humbling how God gives us these many little gifts here on earth to enjoy. He didn't need to give us taste buds to live, He didn't need to give us this huge variety of different foods and drinks to enhance our lives. The Bible tells us we are His most precious creation and He loves to give good gifts to us. I wonder what He has planned for me today. Jeremiah 29:11 For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." Today I am thankful.
Mom called from Haiti yesterday. Today they are traveling to the orphanage where little Rose (the baby Joan and Tim hope to adopt) is staying and will spend the night there tonight. Joan wants to see if Bethany can live at the orphanage for the next couple months so she can care for Rose. If the Reinhards can get permission, they are hopeful Rose can be brought with them to the states when they come for their leave this summer. So the rest of the family can meet her. Not that our family needs to get bigger, it just seems to happen. Sunday I was sitting in the alcove after lunch before the afternoon service started. One of Beth's grand daughters looked over and smiled. I smiled back at her and asked how gymnastics were going. She looked kind of confused ran up to her dad, whispered something in his ear, then came running back and climbed on my lap. Turned out she had to ask her dad who I was and what was my name. Once she found out I was Aunt Judy she started telling me all kinds of fun things. Of course I couldn't understand half of what she was saying. And just so you all out there know, I knew who she was, what her name was (although I can't spell it) and who she belonged to (Michelle and Dave).
Ribbon's paddock needs a new round bale today and I'd like to find them one of the better bales we have left. The round bales we bought from Washington, IL just don't have the nutrition ours have. I won't be buying hay from that farmer again. We will be hauling Ribbon out to Middle Grove after the fair. She needs to have a couple months vacation after working so hard all winter.

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