The Airbnb's HERE on the FARM

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Two Gone, 8 To Go

Jenis and her colt were put out in the paddock at 3:00am. When the puppies insisted on going out she was so restless and wanted out very badly, the colt was doing well and it was a relief to move them out into the coolness of the night. Bed felt wonderful at 3:15am, knowing the pups were taken care of and Jenis would not need to be fed first thing in the morning. We slept in until 6:30am, Jenis was let out into the field while her stall was being cleaned which would have been fine except she somehow lost her colt. He came back in the barn and she was running around neighing frantically trying to find him. Once they were reunited and everything settled down the colt's meds were given. Have I mentioned how much he hates sulfa getting squirted into his mouth? He stands very well for shots, doesn't even seem to feel a needle but aim anything near his mouth and he throws himself backward, rears straight up, falls to the ground, just about anything to get away from that awful tasting medicine and yet he must have it so we persevere.
The weather was predicted to be beautiful, sunny and low 80s so they were let out into the pasture for the day.
Mike needed the skid-steer to move a round bale in the cabin field now that it has 5 horses in it. The puppies all make themselves at home under the skid steer and needed to be collected and locked up before moving it.
Church was amazing, it was so wonderful to be there sitting under the WORD. After writing down how amazing both services were, all that I wrote was erased, surely by writing down the sermons someone will take it wrong or with offense. Just get online and LISTEN if you DARE to HEAR the TRUTH!
After church another puppy left for his new home. That is now 2 gone and 8 to go. Rhoda met the people then rode Sally as she needed some work. No volley ball for her tonight it was her turn to go to the South Side Mission. There ended up being a big group for volleyball. Jozef Davidovics offered to come Saturday for fencing. We will be post and railing the new outdoor arena and will hold a work day for anyone wanting to help. Mark and I staked it out squaring it nicely. It is 80 feet wide and 200 feet long with an oval at each end. We spent some time figuring out supplies needed and tomorrow will be ordering 70 6inch round posts, 70 bags of cement, 1000 linear feet of 2x6, lots of ag-lime and finish it off with sand. Hope all of this can be ordered and delivered before Saturday.
Tony Plattner of Plattner Orthopedics stopped by to work on Raven's knee brace. He took it back with him to make some adjustments. Today was such a blessed day, Thank you LORD!

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