The Airbnb's HERE on the FARM

Monday, August 15, 2011

CC & Rosie Gone

We had such a wonderful time on our walk rehashing yesterday's sermons, Ruth even admitted squirming in her seat during Tim's sermon. Isn't it wonderful even when the Spirit convicts?
The first female puppy to leave left around 9:00am, They were thrilled with CC. All the puppies came running but CC just laid down by her new owner and enjoyed being petted making it an easy choice for him. The next people drove in as the first drove out and took Rosie. They had a tough time deciding between Eleanor and Rosie, even thought about taking both until reality of 2 puppy messes hit, finally made their choice. As soon as they drove out, breakfast foods were taken out of the fridge to cook when Tyler Joos arrived to put shoes on Mika & Bunni for their Colorado trip and trim up Cindy. All the horses were good for him. Once Cindy was put back the food was again taken out and breakfast started when the phone rang, James is now sold. He will be picked up tonight. Breakfast didn't get finished until close to 11:00am. Oh well we won't need lunch now.
Then it was time to start on the ordering for the arena. The first problem was Menards had everything except the 6 inch round 8 foot tall fence posts. Everything but the posts will be delivered on Wednesday morning. TSC was called for the posts, Peoria store only had 39, Pekin store had enough but they didn't want to deliver. I'll have to see if we can hire Phil to pick them up. We need 70 of them and it is too much weight for my pickup truck.
J & L Dock was called for lime except no one answered. Finally FS was called and they told me to call J & L Dock. I guess I'll keep trying J & L Dock.
Phil is busy installing the central air for the barn today.

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