The Airbnb's HERE on the FARM

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Autumn's New All Black Colt

We are thrilled to announce the birth of Autumn's new colt by the Friesian stallion Keegan. This colt is HUGE, all black and all beautiful. HE will be tall, hairy, he has great conformation, the black curly coat of a purebred Friesian and best of all the fantastic disposition Raven and Keegan throw. This is the cream of the crop! We are offering Autumn and her big black beautiful colt for sale as a package deal for ONLY $7500.00. Autumn rides very nice and this colt is QUALITY!
Rhoda agreed to meet me at Peoria Obedience Training Club or POTC as we know it and take Emma for me tonight as I wanted to get to the farm early and check on Autumn. I left her at 2:10pm and by the time I pulled in at 6:00pm the colt was already up and walking around completely dry. He had not yet nursed and he could have been up to 4 hours old, but more than likely less than 2 hours old. Autumn was milked and he was given a bottle and drank 12 ounces. His umbilical cord was iodined, the placenta checked, and buried, then it was just time to watch. He was rooting around in the correct place and his sucking instinct is great so I decided it was home for me and I'll get a good nights sleep in my own bed! Mike and Diane are going to check on him during the evening to make sure he learns how to latch on. Below he is getting one of his first face washing, he is not enjoying it.

Notice how long his legs are in the picture below. His legs are just a couple inches short of the size of Autumn's legs. This is one tall colt.
The pictures were taken shortly after birth, we will get better ones when we can be outside.

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