The Airbnb's HERE on the FARM

Saturday, March 20, 2010

They ALL Made it!

The internet has been down and would not connect today until just now. We had a very good day. Eva Jean and Marilyn left at 4:45am for home and the van load of kids pulled into Gulf Shores right around 6:30am. They stopped at Hazel's for a great breakfast before making the last mile. We were so glad they made it safely. Philip and Ben did all the driving. The kids crashed over at the pool in the bright sunshine and slept then for dinner mom and I babysat Addyson while they walked to Bahama Bob's for dinner. We were waiting to hear that Eva Jean and Marilyn made it home but no word. We called Janelle but she hadn't heard from them either. Finally around 10:30 we got the phone call that they were safely home. This morning the second car load consisting of Mark, David, Stephanie and Rhoda pulled in at 6:00am and they went straight to bed. David drove most of the trip allowing Mark to drive the midnight to 3:00am shift. We were thrilled all of us are where we need to be.
This morning the sunrise was beautiful and I took many pictures of the glorious colors.
The first picture was just as the sky started to break into the beautiful colors. The cloud in the sky looked as if the edges were on fire. The next 3 are as the sun rose.
The breakfast was served later around 9:30 and everyone actually made it, even the sleepers. The sunshine was brilliant and by the pool was so hot Taunya, mom, and I went swimming in the pool. The water was FREEZING but helped us cool down. Rhoda is sound asleep in the picture below, she was up most of the night sitting up on the long drive. We laughed that she needed her sun glasses for the nap.
Addyson couldn't wait to get her swim suit on, she loved the little pool just for her.

We have been waiting on Comcast to come fix the internet and they keep telling us it will be fixed but the problem is bigger than they thought.
In the afternoon the wind picked up and waves were getting huge. There were some wind surfers out and watching them was amazing, they were being lifted high up into the sky and dropped. They were doing flips while in the air. I took some video of them also.
Tonight we grilled marinated chicken breast on the charcoal grill over by the pool and served that with wild rice, peas, crescent rolls, baked potatoes with sour cream and butter. All was delicious. Mom and I took off for a walk after dinner up to the public beach. We found a pair of flip flops floating in the ocean, cleaned them off and gave them to the girls. They actually were kind of cute and were Rhoda's size. The wind was so hard we opened our coats and let the wind blow us home.
The kids are all in unit 129 and playing cards, even Mark is joining them. I'm heading over to 128 to stay with mom.

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