The Airbnb's HERE on the FARM

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Sunday Morning

Almost all of us where up early this morning, the storm last night dumped buckets of rain and the deck and porch were soaked. The wind gusts must have been close to 50 miles an hour. We saw the volley ball net blow over.
We had a great breakfast this morning. Fresh baked hot fluffy biscuits with blackberry jam, scrambled eggs, bacon, sausage, cheddar cheese, melon, coffee cake, orange juice and piping hot coffee. After breakfast Mark had the devotions on Colossians and the following discussion was thought provoking.
Mom, Mark and I listened in to the Peoria church then off to clean the beach. We had a tough time walking into the wind and the water was as high as I've seen it almost reaching to some of the condos. I found another pair of flip flops buried in the sand. These were a men's pair so once back to the condo, I cleaned them up and put them out on the porch. We will see if any of the guys wonder about whose they are.
We were home in time to listen to the Easter program from Peoria.
The kids and Mark left for the rec center while mom and I are watching Addyson.

1 comment:

  1. just the food alone makes me want to be there:) And only you and mom would go shoe "shopping" on the beach LOL.
