The Airbnb's HERE on the FARM

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

The Tire

This morning early I reminded Mark about the low tire on the truck but for some reason he didn't get going very early, he walks out the door 5 after 7:00am, looks at the tire and says, "yes, thats a low tire, make sure they fill it before they leave," and drives off. The air compressor here at the house is hard to use and that was why we really needed him to fill the tire. I jumped in my car started driving to the farm, called Rhoda and told her just drive straight to Casey's and fill the tire. She tells Sarah, she doesn't have time, jumps in her car, then calls Sarah and tells her to drive to Casey's and fill the tire. Sarah calls me and tells me that Rhoda took her car and left her with the truck with a flat tire. So I get home from the farm and here is the note Sarah left: "I am so thankful for my family, they steal my car and leave me with a truck that's got a flat tire....o well, my car has no gas, so overall its a win."
At the farm Raven was given another round bale. I'm heading to work but the vet is coming around 1:00pm first to Bridlewood to draw coggins on 2 of the foals, then to the farm to draw coggins on 2 more of the foals. Not quite sure how I'm going to get everyone in stalls and ready unless we get done from work early. Will have to push it!

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